Our affordable wedding videography packages are simple….we film what you want covered and you get your wedding video in the post as soon as it’s edited. There is no music added or special effects incorporated, just a concise video documentary of your wedding on a USB stick.
Half Day Wedding Videography Package $900
- Professional Videographer on location* at your wedding ceremony for up to four hours (including setup time)
- High Definition Camera and wireless microphone
- Basic Professional Editing
- Supply of a High Definition MP4 file download
Additional Options
- Professional video live-stream of wedding ceremony and/or reception formalities from $300
- Additional videography $150 per consecutive hour*
* Pricing based on locations within 30 minutes drive of Adelaide, SA or Mildura , VIC- travel costs may apply for locations beyond. Please contact us for quotes for country shoots. Minimum 4 hours per shift (if required) with additional hours based on consecutive hours following any individual shift.
Wedding Coverage Demo
This is an example of a wedding video from our base package.